perl normal guy just used a line
All files in the foo bar c replaced.
bak backup with
\ B is word boundary
perl-p-i.bak-e 's / \ bfoo \ b / bar / g' *. c
Saves an increasing number contained in each file
bak backup with
perl-i.bak-pe 's / (\ d +) / 1 + $ 1 / ge' file1 file2 ....
0D0A from 0A to convert the line endings
perl-pe 's / \ 015 \ 012 / \ 012 / g' file
To convert the line endings from 0A 0D0A
perl-pe 's / \ 012 / \ 015 \ 012 / g' file
[Partial extraction]
Show up to the fourth and sixth from the beginning of the field separated by spaces
perl-lane 'print "@ F [0 .. 4] $ F [6]"' file
Show up to the beginning of the fourth colon separated field
perl-F:-lane 'print "@ F [0 .. 4] \ n"' / etc / passwd
START and END part between the view
perl-ne 'print if / ^ START $ / .. / ^ END $ /' file
START and END part between the outside view
perl-ne 'print unless / ^ START $ / .. / ^ END $ /' file
Displaying the first 50 rows
perl-pe 'exit if $.> 50' file
Do not show the first 10 rows
perl-ne 'print unless 1 .. 10' file
Lines 17-15 show only
perl-ne 'print if 15 .. 17' file
Discard after 80 characters of each line
perl-lne 'print substr ($ _, 0, 80) = ""' file
Discard the first 10 characters of each line
perl-lne 'print substr ($ _, 10) = ""' file
[Better than grep]
comment line is displayed that contains the string
perl-ne 'print if / comment /' duptext
comment line is displayed does not contain the string
perl-ne 'print if / comment /' duptext
apple or comment line is displayed that contains the string
perl-ne 'print if / comment / | | / apple /' duptext
apple or comment line is displayed that contains the string
perl-ne 'print if / comment / | | / apple /' duptext
apple display and comment lines that contain both text
perl-ne 'print if / comment / | | / apple /' duptext
comment line and displays the file name contains the string
find useful in conjunction with
perl-ne 'print "$ ARGV: $ _" if / comment /' file1 file2 file3 ...
int matches only (print does not agree with) grep
perl-ne 'print if / \ bint \ b /' test.txt
port9 port0 from 10 words to match up
perl-ne 'print if / \ bport \ d \ b /' test.txt
take the words that match port0 port9999 numbers, such as at the end
perl-ne 'print if / \ bport \ d + \ b /' test.txt
[Operation between the Field
The second sum field from the first and last field
perl-lane 'print $ F [0] + $ F [-2]'
Sort the file line by line
perl-e 'print sort <>' file
Sort paragraphs per file
perl -00-e 'print sort <>' file
Presented as a single file and then sort to compare multiple files, each file
perl -0777-e 'print sort <>' file1 file2
Turn over the given file line by line
perl-e 'print reverse <>' file1
Turn over every file in characters
perl-0777e 'print scalar reverse <>' f1 f2 f3 ...
Turn over a paragraph per file
perl -00-e 'print reverse <>' file1 file2 file3 ....
Turn over in characters in a row
perl-nle 'print scalar reverse $ _' file1 file2 file3 ....
Locate the palindrome from the dictionary. Unfortunately, the Japanese are not supported
perl-lne 'print if $ _ eq reverse' / usr / dict / words
If two or more words in succession in the file, print one of them
perl -0777-ne 'print "$.: doubled $ 1 \ n" while / \ b (\ w +) \ b \ s + \ b \ 1 \ b / gi'
Convert to Number
Hexadecimal display convert to a decimal number entered. CTRL-C terminated
perl-ne 'printf "% x \ n ",$_'
Displays octal numbers to decimal numbers into the input. CTRL-C terminated
perl-ne 'printf "% o \ n ",$_'
And displays the hexadecimal to decimal conversion was entered. CTRL-C terminated
perl-ne 'print hex ($_)." \ n "'
Display converted to decimal octal entered. CTRL-C terminated
perl-ne 'print oct ($_)." \ n "'
Can be calculated as a simple calculator. CTRL-C terminated
perl-ne 'print eval ($_)." \ n "'
●-M would be foul. Also useful. Module one line guy
View the source of the page
perl-MLWP:: UserAgent-e 'LWP:: UserAgent-> new-> request (HTTP:: Request-> new (' GET ', $ ARGV [0]), sub {print $ _ [0];}) ; '
Find and display all the files from where the argument
perl-MFile:: Find-le 'find {wanted => sub {print ;}},$ ARGV [0]'
Pl extension from the current directory and displays all found files
perl-MFile:: Find-le 'find {wanted => sub {print if / \. pl $/;}},$ ARGV [0]'
Create a directory. mkdir can be made at once, unlike the deep layers
perl-MFile:: Path-e 'mkpath ([@ ARGV], 1,0777)' test/tmp1 test2/tmp2
perl-MMIME:: Base64-ne 'print & MIME:: Base64:: encode_base64 ($ _)' file
Base64-encoded file to decode the
perl-MMIME:: Base64-ne 'print & MIME:: Base64:: decode_base64 ($ _)' file
Quoted-Printable encoded (see RFC 2045)
perl-MMIME:: QuotedPrint-ne 'print & MIME:: QuotedPrint:: encode_qp ($ _)' file
Fetch and display the specified page.
perl-MLWP:: Simple-e 'getprint "";
Download the file by ftp.
perl-MLWP:: Simple-e 'getstore "", "perl.tar.gz"'
http mirror of the document
perl-MLWP:: Simple-e 'mirror ("", "perl.html");'
● explain the options for oneliners
-0 Digit (octal)
Record ($ /) as an octal number. The improved Deforutosepareta
The paragraph mode. Line breaks and paragraphs are separated by a continuous
Chunks of text
Disable -0777 separator. That is the whole file in one paragraph
Auto-a mode split
Array @ F = split ('');
The delimiter can be specified with-F
The default is one character space
Keywords for a guy line
The given string as a command line, run perl program
Multiple-e also need to use a semicolon
-I extension
. Bak to specify, that, to back up files to override the individual
-L number (octal)
Auto chomp
When the output number (octal) to replace the carriage returns.
Automatic loop
while (<>) {
... # This script is executed
Print with automatic loop
while (<>) {
... # This script is executed
-Na-F regexp
while (<>) {
@ F = split (/ regex /);
... # This script is executed
-Pa-F regexp
while (<>) {
@ F = split (/ regex /);
... # This script is executed
All files in the foo bar c replaced.
bak backup with
\ B is word boundary
perl-p-i.bak-e 's / \ bfoo \ b / bar / g' *. c
Saves an increasing number contained in each file
bak backup with
perl-i.bak-pe 's / (\ d +) / 1 + $ 1 / ge' file1 file2 ....
0D0A from 0A to convert the line endings
perl-pe 's / \ 015 \ 012 / \ 012 / g' file
To convert the line endings from 0A 0D0A
perl-pe 's / \ 012 / \ 015 \ 012 / g' file
[Partial extraction]
Show up to the fourth and sixth from the beginning of the field separated by spaces
perl-lane 'print "@ F [0 .. 4] $ F [6]"' file
Show up to the beginning of the fourth colon separated field
perl-F:-lane 'print "@ F [0 .. 4] \ n"' / etc / passwd
START and END part between the view
perl-ne 'print if / ^ START $ / .. / ^ END $ /' file
START and END part between the outside view
perl-ne 'print unless / ^ START $ / .. / ^ END $ /' file
Displaying the first 50 rows
perl-pe 'exit if $.> 50' file
Do not show the first 10 rows
perl-ne 'print unless 1 .. 10' file
Lines 17-15 show only
perl-ne 'print if 15 .. 17' file
Discard after 80 characters of each line
perl-lne 'print substr ($ _, 0, 80) = ""' file
Discard the first 10 characters of each line
perl-lne 'print substr ($ _, 10) = ""' file
[Better than grep]
comment line is displayed that contains the string
perl-ne 'print if / comment /' duptext
comment line is displayed does not contain the string
perl-ne 'print if / comment /' duptext
apple or comment line is displayed that contains the string
perl-ne 'print if / comment / | | / apple /' duptext
apple or comment line is displayed that contains the string
perl-ne 'print if / comment / | | / apple /' duptext
apple display and comment lines that contain both text
perl-ne 'print if / comment / | | / apple /' duptext
comment line and displays the file name contains the string
find useful in conjunction with
perl-ne 'print "$ ARGV: $ _" if / comment /' file1 file2 file3 ...
int matches only (print does not agree with) grep
perl-ne 'print if / \ bint \ b /' test.txt
port9 port0 from 10 words to match up
perl-ne 'print if / \ bport \ d \ b /' test.txt
take the words that match port0 port9999 numbers, such as at the end
perl-ne 'print if / \ bport \ d + \ b /' test.txt
[Operation between the Field
The second sum field from the first and last field
perl-lane 'print $ F [0] + $ F [-2]'
Sort the file line by line
perl-e 'print sort <>' file
Sort paragraphs per file
perl -00-e 'print sort <>' file
Presented as a single file and then sort to compare multiple files, each file
perl -0777-e 'print sort <>' file1 file2
Turn over the given file line by line
perl-e 'print reverse <>' file1
Turn over every file in characters
perl-0777e 'print scalar reverse <>' f1 f2 f3 ...
Turn over a paragraph per file
perl -00-e 'print reverse <>' file1 file2 file3 ....
Turn over in characters in a row
perl-nle 'print scalar reverse $ _' file1 file2 file3 ....
Locate the palindrome from the dictionary. Unfortunately, the Japanese are not supported
perl-lne 'print if $ _ eq reverse' / usr / dict / words
If two or more words in succession in the file, print one of them
perl -0777-ne 'print "$.: doubled $ 1 \ n" while / \ b (\ w +) \ b \ s + \ b \ 1 \ b / gi'
Convert to Number
Hexadecimal display convert to a decimal number entered. CTRL-C terminated
perl-ne 'printf "% x \ n ",$_'
Displays octal numbers to decimal numbers into the input. CTRL-C terminated
perl-ne 'printf "% o \ n ",$_'
And displays the hexadecimal to decimal conversion was entered. CTRL-C terminated
perl-ne 'print hex ($_)." \ n "'
Display converted to decimal octal entered. CTRL-C terminated
perl-ne 'print oct ($_)." \ n "'
Can be calculated as a simple calculator. CTRL-C terminated
perl-ne 'print eval ($_)." \ n "'
●-M would be foul. Also useful. Module one line guy
View the source of the page
perl-MLWP:: UserAgent-e 'LWP:: UserAgent-> new-> request (HTTP:: Request-> new (' GET ', $ ARGV [0]), sub {print $ _ [0];}) ; '
Find and display all the files from where the argument
perl-MFile:: Find-le 'find {wanted => sub {print ;}},$ ARGV [0]'
Pl extension from the current directory and displays all found files
perl-MFile:: Find-le 'find {wanted => sub {print if / \. pl $/;}},$ ARGV [0]'
Create a directory. mkdir can be made at once, unlike the deep layers
perl-MFile:: Path-e 'mkpath ([@ ARGV], 1,0777)' test/tmp1 test2/tmp2
perl-MMIME:: Base64-ne 'print & MIME:: Base64:: encode_base64 ($ _)' file
Base64-encoded file to decode the
perl-MMIME:: Base64-ne 'print & MIME:: Base64:: decode_base64 ($ _)' file
Quoted-Printable encoded (see RFC 2045)
perl-MMIME:: QuotedPrint-ne 'print & MIME:: QuotedPrint:: encode_qp ($ _)' file
Fetch and display the specified page.
perl-MLWP:: Simple-e 'getprint "";
Download the file by ftp.
perl-MLWP:: Simple-e 'getstore "", "perl.tar.gz"'
http mirror of the document
perl-MLWP:: Simple-e 'mirror ("", "perl.html");'
● explain the options for oneliners
-0 Digit (octal)
Record ($ /) as an octal number. The improved Deforutosepareta
The paragraph mode. Line breaks and paragraphs are separated by a continuous
Chunks of text
Disable -0777 separator. That is the whole file in one paragraph
Auto-a mode split
Array @ F = split ('');
The delimiter can be specified with-F
The default is one character space
Keywords for a guy line
The given string as a command line, run perl program
Multiple-e also need to use a semicolon
-I extension
. Bak to specify, that, to back up files to override the individual
-L number (octal)
Auto chomp
When the output number (octal) to replace the carriage returns.
Automatic loop
while (<>) {
... # This script is executed
Print with automatic loop
while (<>) {
... # This script is executed
-Na-F regexp
while (<>) {
@ F = split (/ regex /);
... # This script is executed
-Pa-F regexp
while (<>) {
@ F = split (/ regex /);
... # This script is executed
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