The Spaceship Operator <=>
<=> is the spaceship operator. Most commonly it's used to sort a list of numbers. Here is an example:my @numbers = (-59, 99, 87, 1900, 42, 1, -999, 30000, 0); my @sorted = sort { $a <=> $b } @numbers; print "@sorted\n"; # output: -999 -59 0 1 42 87 99 1900 30000If you don't specify a block with the spaceship operator to sort() function, it will treat the numbers as strings and sort them asciibetically:
my @numbers = (-59, 99, 87, 1900, 42, 1, -999, 30000, 0); my @sorted = sort @numbers; print "@sorted\n"; # output: -59 -999 0 1 1900 30000 42 87 99In general the spaceship operator is defined as following:
- $a <=> $b is -1 if $a < $b.
- $a <=> $b is 0 if $a == $b.
- $a <=> $b is 1 if $a > $b.
- $a <=> $b is undef if $a and $b are NaN.
The Eskimo Greeting Operator }{
The Eskimo greeting operator can be most frequently met in Perl one-liners.For example, this one-liner uses the Eskimo greeting to emulate `wc -l` command and prints the number of lines in a file:
perl -lne '}{ print $.' fileHere the Eskimo greets the print function. To understand what happens here, you have to know what the -n command line option does. It causes Perl to assume the following loop around your program:
while (<>) { ... }Where `...` contains the code specified by the -e command line option. If the code specified is `}{ ...` then it causes the while loop to be closed with no actions to be done and only the `...` part gets executed.
Therefore the one-liner above is equivalent to:
while (<>) { } { print $. }This just prints the special variable $. which is the number of input lines processed.
This can be extended further and we can have Eskimo greet code on both sides:
perl -lne 'code1 }{ code2'Code1 gets executed within the loop and code2 after the loop is done:
while (<>) { code1 } { code2 }If you are interested in the topic of Perl one-liners, see the first part of my article "Perl One-Liners Explained".
The Goatse Operator =()=
The Goatse operator, as nasty as it may sound, doesn't do any nasty things. Instead it does a wonderful thing and causes an expression on the right to be evaluated in array context.Here is an example,
my $str = "5 foo 6 bar 7 baz"; my $count =()= $str =~ /\d/g; print $count;This program prints 3 - the number of digits in $str. How does it do it? Let's deparse the 2nd line:
(my $count = (() = ($str =~ /\d/g)));What happens here is that the expression ($str =~ /\d/g) gets assigned to the empty list (). Assigning to a list forces the list context. The whole (() = ($str =~ /\d/g)) thing gets evaluated in list context, but then it gets assigned to a scalar which causes it to get evaluated again in scalar context. So what we have is a list assignment in scalar context. The key thing to remember is that a list assignment in scalar context returns the number of elements on the right-hand side of the list assignment. In this example the right-hand side of the list assignment is ($str =~ /\d/g). This matches globally (/g flag) and finds 3 digits in $str. Therefore the result is 3.
The Turtle Operator "@{[]}"
I couldn't find the name of this operator therefore I decided to name it the turtle operator, because it looks a bit like a turtle, @ being the head, and {[]} being the shell.This operator is useful for interpolating an array inside a string.
Compare these two examples:
print "these people @{[get_names()]} get promoted"and
print "these people ", join " ",get_names(), " get promoted"Clearly, the first example wins for code clarity.
More precisely, writing
print "@{[something]}"is exactly the same as writing
print join $", something
The Inchworm Operator ~~
The inchworm operator can be used to force scalar context.Here is an example with localtime() function. In scalar context localtime() returns human readable time, but in list context it returns a 9-tuple with various date elements.
$ perl -le 'print ~~localtime' Mon Nov 30 09:06:13 2009Here localtime was evaluated in scalar context, even though it was called within print that forces list context. It returned human readable date and time.
$ perl -le 'print localtime' 579301010913330Here localtime returned a list of 9 elements and print function just printed them one after another. To really see that it's a list of 9 elements, let's use the turtle operator:
$ perl -le 'print "@{[localtime]}"' 5 13 9 30 10 109 1 333 0
The Inchworm-On-A-Stick Operator ~-
For numbers greater than 0, this operator decrements them by one. Example:my $x = 5; print ~-$x; # prints 4It works because ~-$x parses to (~(-$x)), which on a two-complement machine is effectively the same as $x-1.
The Spacestation Operator -+-
The spacestation operator turns a string starting with positive number into a number. Here are some examples:print -+-"4zy" # prints 4 print -+-'3.99' # prints 3.99 print -+-'2e5' # prints 200000
The Venus Operator 0+
It's named the Venus operator because the astronomical symbol for the planet Venus looks similar.It does the same as the spacestation operator, it numifies a string, but it binds less tightly than spacestation. An example:
print 0+"4zy" # prints 4
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