Perl Basics
- What is CPAN? Its uses?
- What does “use strict” , “use vars” , “no vars” mean?
- Difference b/w use and require?
- What do the symbols $ @ and % mean when prefixing a variable?
- What purpose does each of the following serve: -w, strict, -T ?
- Explain the use of do, require, use, import
- Use of our, my and local?
- Use of ref function
- What are STDIN,STDOUT and STDERR?.
- @INC and %INC
- How you can invoke shell command? Hint: system(), backtick, exec() in details
- What is the exact difference between system() and exec() (similar to question no 11)
- Error handling using eval
- Print the array @arr in reversed case-insensitive order .
- There are two types of eval statements i.e. eval EXPR and eval BLOCK. Explain them.
- Autovivification (very rarely)
- Questions on hash and hash reference
- Sort a hash by values
- Length of a hash
- How to refer a hash and how to dereference it
- Nesting of hash
- Chomp and chop
- Explain qw,qq,qx (what’s its use, when to use)
- What are the different ways to concatenate strings in Perl
- Functions on array: Push, pop, shift, unshift, join, split, splice
- Different hash functions like each, keys, values, exists, delete
- Numeric and string sorting of hash and array elements in Perl
- How to set Environment variables in Perl (Hint: %ENV)
- Use of map and grep functions in Perl
- What is the difference between die and exit in perl
- Array with repeating digits. Sort and print digits with no of counts. Ex: @arr = (1,2,4,6,3,1,2,6,8,3,4,9,1,2,4). Output should be @arr = (1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,4,4,4,6,6,8,9) ). You can’t use hash feature. Think about optimization too.
- Write a Perl script for decimal to binary, decimal to octal, decimal to hex, hex to decimal,hex to octal, hex to binary and any such possible data conversion
- How to find which method is being invoked or being called in Perl and in which method you are currently? Hint: caller()
- Explain the use of caller and wantarray function?
- How will you find line number, package and a file name in Perl? (Hint: __FILE__, __LINE__, __PACKAGE__)
- How to install a Perl Module from CPAN
- Pass an array to subroutine and get t as array ref in sub. Hint: subroutine prototype. Ex: sub subname(\@)
- You have two arrays. Say @arr1 = (1,2,5,6) and @arr2 = (3,4) We need to put the element of @arr2 at @arr1 in such a way that @arr1 would become @arr1= (1,2,3,4,5,6) without using third array. Hint: use splice function
- Inbuilt special variable like $!, $? Etc
- Piping in and piping out in Perl
- How to implement stack and queue in Perl?
- How to find the list of installed modules in Perl?
- Use of BEGIN and END block.
- Simulate the behaviour of ‘use lib’ pragma using BEGIN block.
File Handling in Perl
- File Testing. Binary or text, size, accessed like –e, -f, -a, -c –m etc
- Use of the special file handle _. (Note : its just _ not $_). Using this can significantly improve performance in many cases.
- Syntax for opening, appending, reading, writing files
- How to assign File handle into an array instead of using while loop?
- How to delete a file?
- How to copy or move a file?
- What the various file permissions (flags) in Perl?
- Given a file, count the word occurrence (case insensitive)
- Displaying file contents using hash in Perl
Web based & Perl CGI
- What do you know about
- How to set sessions and cookies and how to implement in Perl?
- How to display JSON based output
- Why two \n in print “Content-type: text/html \n\n”;
Database oriented
- How to connect database using DBI?
- What are the ways you know to get records from the table (fetchrow_hashref/arrayref)
Object Oriented Perl
- Diff b/w module and package
- Diff b/w class and package (rarely asked though )
- How do you call any subroutine in object oriented fashion? Hint: bless operator
- Difference between ISA and EXPORT
- Use Base related questions
- Use of AUTOLOAD function.
Regular Expression in Perl
- IP Address validation
- Email id Validation
- More than one @ is there. Give regex to store username and domain name after encountering last @ (Last @ will be the splitting point and more than one special characters can be there )
- What are the uses of different modifiers
- Group, range, meta-character etc
- m, s, tr
- Replace the last ‘x’ in a string with ‘ax’ in one regex. Example : abcxdefgxgaxa should become abcxdefgxgaaxa
- Perl regular expression is greedy. Can you explain it with one example?
- Can you check palindrome condition using regular expression in perl? (Hint: regex doesn’t support recursion or counting facility )
Perl One Liner
- What is Perl one liner and where you will use it?
- What are the different options in Perl one Liner. Explain in details
- Add a blank line before every line.
- Remove blank lines form a file.
- Print the total number of lines in a file (emulate wc -l).
- Print the number of non-empty lines in a file.
- What option you will use to check syntax only without executing it?
- Which option is meant to enable all warnings or disable all warning inpite of using use warning or no warnings respectively?
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