Saturday, December 25, 2010

Perl Strings


$string = '\n';                     # two characters, \ and an n
$string = 'Jon \'Maddog\' Orwant';  # literal single quotes
$string = "\n";                     # a "newline" character
$string = "Jon \"Maddog\" Orwant";  # literal double quotes
$string = q/Jon 'Maddog' Orwant/;   # literal single quotes
$string = q[Jon 'Maddog' Orwant];   # literal single quotes
$string = q{Jon 'Maddog' Orwant};   # literal single quotes
$string = q(Jon 'Maddog' Orwant);   # literal single quotes
$string = q<Jon 'Maddog' Orwant>;   # literal single quotes
$a = <<"EOF";
This is a multiline here document
terminated by EOF on a line by itself

Accessing Substrings
$value = substr($string, $offset, $count);
$value = substr($string, $offset);

substr($string, $offset, $count) = $newstring;
substr($string, $offset)         = $newtail;
# get a 5-byte string, skip 3, then grab 2 8-byte strings, then the rest
($leading, $s1, $s2, $trailing) =
    unpack("A5 x3 A8 A8 A*", $data);

# split at five byte boundaries
@fivers = unpack("A5" x (length($string)/5), $string);

# chop string into individual characters
@chars  = unpack("A1" x length($string), $string);
$string = "This is what you have";
#         +012345678901234567890  Indexing forwards  (left to right)
#          109876543210987654321- Indexing backwards (right to left)
#           note that 0 means 10 or 20, etc. above

$first  = substr($string, 0, 1);  # "T"
$start  = substr($string, 5, 2);  # "is"
$rest   = substr($string, 13);    # "you have"
$last   = substr($string, -1);    # "e"
$end    = substr($string, -4);    # "have"
$piece  = substr($string, -8, 3); # "you"
$string = "This is what you have";
print $string;
#This is what you have

substr($string, 5, 2) = "wasn't"; # change "is" to "wasn't"
#This wasn't what you have

substr($string, -12)  = "ondrous";# replace last 12 characters
#This wasn't wondrous

substr($string, 0, 1) = "";       # delete first character
#his wasn't wondrous

substr($string, -10)  = "";       # delete last 10 characters
#his wasn'
# you can test substrings with =~
if (substr($string, -10) =~ /pattern/) {
    print "Pattern matches in last 10 characters\n";

# substitute "at" for "is", restricted to first five characters
substr($string, 0, 5) =~ s/is/at/g;
# exchange the first and last letters in a string
$a = "make a hat";
(substr($a,0,1), substr($a,-1)) = (substr($a,-1), substr($a,0,1));
print $a;
# take a ham
# extract column with unpack
$a = "To be or not to be";
$b = unpack("x6 A6", $a);  # skip 6, grab 6
print $b;
# or not

($b, $c) = unpack("x6 A2 X5 A2", $a); # forward 6, grab 2; backward 5, grab 2
print "$b\n$c\n";
# or
# be
sub cut2fmt {
    my(@positions) = @_;
    my $template   = '';
    my $lastpos    = 1;
    foreach $place (@positions) {
        $template .= "A" . ($place - $lastpos) . " ";
        $lastpos   = $place;
    $template .= "A*";
    return $template;

$fmt = cut2fmt(8, 14, 20, 26, 30);
print "$fmt\n";
# A7 A6 A6 A6 A4 A*

Establishing a Default Value
# use $b if $b is true, else $c
$a = $b || $c;            

# set $x to $y unless $x is already true
$x ||= $y
# use $b if $b is defined, else $c
$a = defined($b) ? $b : $c;
$foo = $bar || "DEFAULT VALUE";
$dir = shift(@ARGV) || "/tmp";
$dir = $ARGV[0] || "/tmp";
$dir = defined($ARGV[0]) ? shift(@ARGV) : "/tmp";
$dir = @ARGV ? $ARGV[0] : "/tmp";
$count{ $shell || "/bin/sh" }++;
# find the user name on Unix systems
$user = $ENV{USER}
     || $ENV{LOGNAME}
     || getlogin()
     || (getpwuid($<))[0]
     || "Unknown uid number $<";
$starting_point ||= "Greenwich";
@a = @b unless @a;          # copy only if empty
@a = @b ? @b : @c;          # assign @b if nonempty, else @c

Exchanging Values Without Using Temporary Variables

($VAR1, $VAR2) = ($VAR2, $VAR1);
$temp    = $a;
$a       = $b;
$b       = $temp;
$a       = "alpha";
$b       = "omega";
($a, $b) = ($b, $a);        # the first shall be last -- and versa vice
($alpha, $beta, $production) = qw(January March August);
# move beta       to alpha,
# move production to beta,
# move alpha      to production
($alpha, $beta, $production) = ($beta, $production, $alpha);

Converting Between ASCII Characters and Values

$num  = ord($char);
$char = chr($num);
$char = sprintf("%c", $num);                # slower than chr($num)
printf("Number %d is character %c\n", $num, $num);
Number 101 is character e
@ASCII = unpack("C*", $string);
$STRING = pack("C*", @ascii);
$ascii_value = ord("e");    # now 101
$character   = chr(101);    # now "e"
printf("Number %d is character %c\n", 101, 101);
@ascii_character_numbers = unpack("C*", "sample");
print "@ascii_character_numbers\n";
115 97 109 112 108 101

$word = pack("C*", @ascii_character_numbers);
$word = pack("C*", 115, 97, 109, 112, 108, 101);   # same
print "$word\n";
$hal = "HAL";
@ascii = unpack("C*", $hal);
foreach $val (@ascii) {
    $val++;                 # add one to each ASCII value
$ibm = pack("C*", @ascii);
print "$ibm\n";             # prints "IBM"

Processing a String One Character at a Time

@array = split(//, $string);

@array = unpack("C*", $string);
    while (/(.)/g) { # . is never a newline here
        # do something with $1
%seen = ();
$string = "an apple a day";
foreach $byte (split //, $string) {
print "unique chars are: ", sort(keys %seen), "\n";
unique chars are:  adelnpy
%seen = ();
$string = "an apple a day";
while ($string =~ /(.)/g) {
print "unique chars are: ", sort(keys %seen), "\n";
unique chars are:  adelnpy
$sum = 0;
foreach $ascval (unpack("C*", $string)) {
    $sum += $ascval;
print "sum is $sum\n";
# prints "1248" if $string was "an apple a day"
$sum = unpack("%32C*", $string);
# download the following standalone program
# sum - compute 16-bit checksum of all input files
$checksum = 0;
while (<>) { $checksum += unpack("%16C*", $_) }
$checksum %= (2 ** 16) - 1;
print "$checksum\n";

#% perl sum /etc/termcap
#% sum --sysv /etc/termcap
#1510 851 /etc/termcap
# download the following standalone program
# slowcat - emulate a   s l o w   line printer
# usage: slowcat [-DELAY] [files ...]
$DELAY = ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-([.\d]+)/) ? (shift, $1) : 1;
$| = 1;
while (<>) {
    for (split(//)) {
        select(undef,undef,undef, 0.005 * $DELAY);


Reversing a String by Word or Character

$revbytes = reverse($string);
$revwords = join(" ", reverse split(" ", $string));
$gnirts   = reverse($string);       # reverse letters in $string

@sdrow    = reverse(@words);        # reverse elements in @words

$confused = reverse(@words);        # reverse letters in join("", @words)
# reverse word order
$string = 'Yoda said, "can you see this?"';
@allwords    = split(" ", $string);
$revwords    = join(" ", reverse @allwords);
print $revwords, "\n";
this?" see you "can said, Yoda
$revwords = join(" ", reverse split(" ", $string));
$revwords = join("", reverse split(/(\s+)/, $string));
$word = "reviver";
$is_palindrome = ($word eq reverse($word));
#% perl -nle 'print if $_ eq reverse && length > 5' /usr/dict/words

Expanding and Compressing Tabs

while ($string =~ s/\t+/' ' x (length($&) * 8 - length($`) % 8)/e) {
    # spin in empty loop until substitution finally fails
use Text::Tabs;
@expanded_lines  = expand(@lines_with_tabs);
@tabulated_lines = unexpand(@lines_without_tabs);
while (<>) {
    1 while s/\t+/' ' x (length($&) * 8 - length($`) % 8)/e;
use Text::Tabs;
$tabstop = 4;
while (<>) { print expand($_) }
use Text::Tabs;
while (<>) { print unexpand($_) }

Expanding Variables in User Input

#You owe $debt to me.
$text =~ s/\$(\w+)/${$1}/g;
$text =~ s/(\$\w+)/$1/gee;
use vars qw($rows $cols);
no strict 'refs';                   # for ${$1}/g below
my $text;

($rows, $cols) = (24, 80);
$text = q(I am $rows high and $cols long);  # like single quotes!
$text =~ s/\$(\w+)/${$1}/g;
print $text;
I am 24 high and 80 long
$text = "I am 17 years old";
$text =~ s/(\d+)/2 * $1/eg;
2 * 17
$text = 'I am $AGE years old';      # note single quotes
$text =~ s/(\$\w+)/$1/eg;           # WRONG
$text =~ s/(\$\w+)/$1/eeg;          # finds my() variables
# expand variables in $text, but put an error message in
# if the variable isn't defined
$text =~ s{
     \$                         # find a literal dollar sign
    (\w+)                       # find a "word" and store it in $1
    no strict 'refs';           # for $$1 below
    if (defined ${$1}) {
        ${$1};                  # expand global variables only
    } else {
        "[NO VARIABLE: \$$1]";  # error msg

Controlling Case

use locale;                     # needed in 5.004 or above

$big = uc($little);             # "bo peep" -> "BO PEEP"
$little = lc($big);             # "JOHN"    -> "john"
$big = "\U$little";             # "bo peep" -> "BO PEEP"
$little = "\L$big";             # "JOHN"    -> "john"
$big = "\u$little";             # "bo"      -> "Bo"
$little = "\l$big";             # "BoPeep"    -> "boPeep"
use locale;                     # needed in 5.004 or above

$beast   = "dromedary";
# capitalize various parts of $beast
$capit   = ucfirst($beast);         # Dromedary
$capit   = "\u\L$beast";            # (same)
$capall  = uc($beast);              # DROMEDARY
$capall  = "\U$beast";              # (same)
$caprest = lcfirst(uc($beast));     # dROMEDARY
$caprest = "\l\U$beast";            # (same)
# capitalize each word's first character, downcase the rest
$text = "thIS is a loNG liNE";
$text =~ s/(\w+)/\u\L$1/g;
print $text;
This Is A Long Line
if (uc($a) eq uc($b)) {
    print "a and b are the same\n";
# download the following standalone program
#!/usr/bin/perl -p
# randcap: filter to randomly capitalize 20% of the letters
# call to srand() is unnecessary in 5.004
BEGIN { srand(time() ^ ($$ + ($$ << 15))) }
sub randcase { rand(100) < 20 ? "\u$_[0]" : "\l$_[0]" }

#% randcap < genesis | head -9
#boOk 01 genesis
#001:001 in the BEginning goD created the heaven and tHe earTh.
#001:002 and the earth wAS without ForM, aND void; AnD darkneSS was
#        upon The Face of the dEEp. and the spIrit of GOd movEd upOn
#        tHe face of the Waters.
#001:003 and god Said, let there be ligHt: and therE wAs LigHt.
sub randcase {
    rand(100) < 20 ? ("\040" ^ $_[0]) : $_[0];
$string &= "\177" x length($string);

Interpolating Functions and Expressions Within Strings

$answer = $var1 . func() . $var2;   # scalar only
$answer = "STRING @{[ LIST EXPR ]} MORE STRING";
$phrase = "I have " . ($n + 1) . " guanacos.";
$phrase = "I have ${\($n + 1)} guanacos.";
print "I have ",  $n + 1, " guanacos.\n";
some_func("What you want is @{[ split /:/, $rec ]} items");
die "Couldn't send mail" unless send_mail(<<"EOTEXT", $target);
To: $naughty
From: Your Bank
Cc: @{ get_manager_list($naughty) }
Date: @{[ do { my $now = `date`; chomp $now; $now } ]} (today)

Dear $naughty,

Today, you bounced check number @{[ 500 + int rand(100) ]} to us.
Your account is now closed.

the management

Indenting Here Documents

# all in one
($var = <<HERE_TARGET) =~ s/^\s+//gm;
    your text
    goes here

# or with two steps
$var = <<HERE_TARGET;
    your text
    goes here
$var =~ s/^\s+//gm;
($definition = <<'FINIS') =~ s/^\s+//gm;
    The five varieties of camelids
    are the familiar camel, his friends
    the llama and the alpaca, and the
    rather less well-known guanaco
    and vicuña.
sub fix {
    my $string = shift;
    $string =~ s/^\s+//gm;
    return $string;

print fix(<<"END");
    My stuff goes here

# With function predeclaration, you can omit the parens:
print fix <<"END";
    My stuff goes here
($quote = <<'    FINIS') =~ s/^\s+//gm;
        ...we will have peace, when you and all your works have
        perished--and the works of your dark master to whom you would
        deliver us. You are a liar, Saruman, and a corrupter of mens
        hearts.  --Theoden in /usr/src/perl/taint.c
$quote =~ s/\s+--/\n--/;      #move attribution to line of its own
    $perl_main_C = dequote<<'    MAIN_INTERPRETER_LOOP';
        @@@ int
        @@@ runops() {
        @@@     SAVEI32(runlevel);
        @@@     runlevel++;
        @@@     while ( op = (*op->op_ppaddr)() ) ;
        @@@     TAINT_NOT;
        @@@     return 0;
        @@@ }
    # add more code here if you want
sub dequote;
$poem = dequote<<EVER_ON_AND_ON;
       Now far ahead the Road has gone,
          And I must follow, if I can,
       Pursuing it with eager feet,
          Until it joins some larger way
       Where many paths and errands meet.
          And whither then? I cannot say.
                --Bilbo in /usr/src/perl/pp_ctl.c
print "Here's your poem:\n\n$poem\n";
#Here's your poem:
#Now far ahead the Road has gone,
#   And I must follow, if I can,
#Pursuing it with eager feet,
#   Until it joins some larger way
#Where many paths and errands meet.
#   And whither then? I cannot say.
#         --Bilbo in /usr/src/perl/pp_ctl.c
sub dequote {
    local $_ = shift;
    my ($white, $leader);  # common whitespace and common leading string
    if (/^\s*(?:([^\w\s]+)(\s*).*\n)(?:\s*\1\2?.*\n)+$/) {
        ($white, $leader) = ($2, quotemeta($1));
    } else {
        ($white, $leader) = (/^(\s+)/, '');
    return $_;
    if (m{
            ^                       # start of line
            \s *                    # 0 or more whitespace chars
            (?:                     # begin first non-remembered grouping
                 (                  #   begin save buffer $1
                    [^\w\s]         #     one byte neither space nor word
                    +               #     1 or more of such
                 )                  #   end save buffer $1
                 ( \s* )            #   put 0 or more white in buffer $2
                 .* \n              #   match through the end of first line
             )                      # end of first grouping
             (?:                    # begin second non-remembered grouping
                \s *                #   0 or more whitespace chars
                \1                  #   whatever string is destined for $1
                \2 ?                #   what'll be in $2, but optionally
                .* \n               #   match through the end of the line
             ) +                    # now repeat that group idea 1 or more
             $                      # until the end of the line
        ($white, $leader) = ($2, quotemeta($1));
    } else {
        ($white, $leader) = (/^(\s+)/, '');
         ^                          # start of each line (due to /m)
         \s *                       # any amount of leading whitespace
            ?                       #   but minimally matched
         $leader                    # our quoted, saved per-line leader
         (?:                        # begin unremembered grouping
            $white                  #    the same amount
         ) ?                        # optionalize in case EOL after leader

Reformatting Paragraphs

use Text::Wrap;
# download the following standalone program
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# wrapdemo - show how Text::Wrap works

@input = ("Folding and splicing is the work of an editor,",
          "not a mere collection of silicon",
          "mobile electrons!");

use Text::Wrap qw($columns &wrap);

$columns = 20;
print "0123456789" x 2, "\n";
print wrap("    ", "  ", @input), "\n";


    Folding and

  splicing is the

  work of an

  editor, not a

  mere collection

  of silicon and

  mobile electrons!
# merge multiple lines into one, then wrap one long line
use Text::Wrap;
undef $/;
print wrap('', '', split(/\s*\n\s*/, <>));
use Text::Wrap      qw(&wrap $columns);
use Term::ReadKey   qw(GetTerminalSize);
($columns) = GetTerminalSize();
($/, $\)  = ('', "\n\n");   # read by paragraph, output 2 newlines
while (<>) {                # grab a full paragraph
    s/\s*\n\s*/ /g;         # convert intervening newlines to spaces
    print wrap('', '', $_); # and format

Escaping Characters

# backslash
$var =~ s/([CHARLIST])/\\$1/g;

# double
$var =~ s/([CHARLIST])/$1$1/g;
$string =~ s/%/%%/g;
$string = q(Mom said, "Don't do that."); #'
$string =~ s/(['"])/\\$1/g;
$string = q(Mom said, "Don't do that.");
$string =~ s/(['"])/$1$1/g;
$string =~ s/([^A-Z])/\\$1/g;
$string = "this \Qis a test!\E";
$string = "this is\\ a\\ test\\!";
$string = "this " . quotemeta("is a test!");

Trimming Blanks from the Ends of a String

$string =~ s/^\s+//;
$string =~ s/\s+$//;
$string = trim($string);
@many   = trim(@many);

sub trim {
    my @out = @_;
    for (@out) {
    return wantarray ? @out : $out[0];
# print what's typed, but surrounded by >< symbols
while(<STDIN>) {
    print ">$_<\n";

Parsing Comma-Separated Data

sub parse_csv {
    my $text = shift;      # record containing comma-separated values
    my @new  = ();
    push(@new, $+) while $text =~ m{
        # the first part groups the phrase inside the quotes.
        # see explanation of this pattern in MRE
           |  ([^,]+),?
           | ,
       push(@new, undef) if substr($text, -1,1) eq ',';
       return @new;      # list of values that were comma-separated

sub parse_csv {
    return quoteword(",",0, $_[0]);
$line = q<XYZZY,"","O'Reilly, Inc","Wall, Larry","a \"glug\" bit,",5,
    "Error, Core Dumped">;
@fields = parse_csv($line);
for ($i = 0; $i < @fields; $i++) {
    print "$i : $fields[$i]\n";
#0 : XYZZY
#1 :
#2 : O'Reilly, Inc
#3 : Wall, Larry
#4 : a \"glug\" bit,
#5 : 5
#6 : Error, Core Dumped

Soundex Matching

 use Text::Soundex;

 $CODE  = soundex($STRING);
 @CODES = soundex(@LIST);
use Text::Soundex;
use User::pwent;

print "Lookup user: ";
chomp($user = <STDIN>);
exit unless defined $user;
$name_code = soundex($user);

while ($uent = getpwent()) {
    ($firstname, $lastname) = $uent->gecos =~ /(\w+)[^,]*\b(\w+)/;

    if ($name_code eq soundex($uent->name) ||
        $name_code eq soundex($lastname)   ||
        $name_code eq soundex($firstname)  )
        printf "%s: %s %s\n", $uent->name, $firstname, $lastname;

Program: fixstyle

# download the following standalone program
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# fixstyle - switch first set of <DATA> strings to second set
#   usage: $0 [-v] [files ...]
use strict;
my $verbose = (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] eq '-v' && shift);

if (@ARGV) {
    $^I = ".orig";          # preserve old files
} else {
    warn "$0: Reading from stdin\n" if -t STDIN;

my $code = "while (<>) {\n";
# read in config, build up code to eval
while (<DATA>) {
    my ($in, $out) = split /\s*=>\s*/;
    next unless $in && $out;
    $code .= "s{\\Q$in\\E}{$out}g";
    $code .= "&& printf STDERR qq($in => $out at \$ARGV line \$.\\n)"
                                                        if $verbose;
    $code .= ";\n";
$code .= "print;\n}\n";

eval "{ $code } 1" || die;

analysed        => analyzed
built-in        => builtin
chastized       => chastised
commandline     => command-line
de-allocate     => deallocate
dropin          => drop-in
hardcode        => hard-code
meta-data       => metadata
multicharacter  => multi-character
multiway        => multi-way
non-empty       => nonempty
non-profit      => nonprofit
non-trappable   => nontrappable
pre-define      => predefine
preextend       => pre-extend
re-compiling    => recompiling
reenter         => re-enter
turnkey         => turn-key

#analysed        => analyzed
#built-in        => builtin
#chastized       => chastised
#commandline     => command-line
#de-allocate     => deallocate
#dropin          => drop-in
#hardcode        => hard-code
#meta-data       => metadata
#multicharacter  => multi-character
#multiway        => multi-way
#non-empty       => nonempty
#non-profit      => nonprofit
#non-trappable   => nontrappable
#pre-define      => predefine
#preextend       => pre-extend
#re-compiling    => recompiling
#reenter         => re-enter
#turnkey         => turn-key
# download the following standalone program
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# fixstyle2 - like fixstyle but faster for many many matches
use strict;
my $verbose = (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] eq '-v' && shift);
my %change = ();
while (<DATA>) {
    my ($in, $out) = split /\s*=>\s*/;
    next unless $in && $out;
    $change{$in} = $out;

if (@ARGV) {
    $^I = ".orig";
} else {
    warn "$0: Reading from stdin\n" if -t STDIN;

while (<>) {
    my $i = 0;
    s/^(\s+)// && print $1;         # emit leading whitespace
    for (split /(\s+)/, $_, -1) {   # preserve trailing whitespace
        print( ($i++ & 1) ? $_ : ($change{$_} || $_));

analysed        => analyzed
built-in        => builtin
chastized       => chastised
commandline     => command-line
de-allocate     => deallocate
dropin          => drop-in
hardcode        => hard-code
meta-data       => metadata
multicharacter  => multi-character
multiway        => multi-way
non-empty       => nonempty
non-profit      => nonprofit
non-trappable   => nontrappable
pre-define      => predefine
preextend       => pre-extend
re-compiling    => recompiling
reenter         => re-enter
turnkey         => turn-key

#analysed        => analyzed
#built-in        => builtin
#chastized       => chastised
#commandline     => command-line
#de-allocate     => deallocate
#dropin          => drop-in
#hardcode        => hard-code
#meta-data       => metadata
#multicharacter  => multi-character
#multiway        => multi-way
#non-empty       => nonempty
#non-profit      => nonprofit
#non-trappable   => nontrappable
#pre-define      => predefine
#preextend       => pre-extend
#re-compiling    => recompiling
#reenter         => re-enter
#turnkey         => turn-key
# very fast, but whitespace collapse
while (<>) {
    for (split) {
        print $change{$_} || $_, " ";
    print "\n";
my $pid = open(STDOUT, "|-");
die "cannot fork: $!" unless defined $pid;
unless ($pid) {             # child
        while (<STDIN>) {
        s/ $//;

Program: psgrep

#% psgrep '/sh\b/'
#% psgrep 'command =~ /sh$/'
#% psgrep 'uid < 10'
#% psgrep 'command =~ /^-/' 'tty ne "?"'
#% psgrep 'tty =~ /^[p-t]/'
#% psgrep 'uid && tty eq "?"'
#% psgrep 'size > 10 * 2**10' 'uid != 0'
#     0   101  9751     1   0   0  14932  9652 do_select S   p1  0:25 netscape
#100000   101  9752  9751   0   0  10636   812 do_select S   p1  0:00 (dns helper)
# download the following standalone program
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# psgrep - print selected lines of ps output by
#          compiling user queries into code

use strict;

# each field from the PS header
my @fieldnames = qw(FLAGS UID PID PPID PRI NICE SIZE
                    RSS WCHAN STAT TTY TIME COMMAND);

# determine the unpack format needed (hard-coded for Linux ps)
my $fmt = cut2fmt(8, 14, 20, 26, 30, 34, 41, 47, 59, 63, 67, 72);

my %fields;                         # where the data will store

die <<Thanatos unless @ARGV;
usage: $0 criterion ...
    Each criterion is a Perl expression involving:
    All criteria must be met for a line to be printed.

# Create function aliases for uid, size, UID, SIZE, etc.
# Empty parens on closure args needed for void prototyping.
for my $name (@fieldnames) {
    no strict 'refs';
    *$name = *{lc $name} = sub () { $fields{$name} };

my $code = "sub is_desirable { " . join(" and ", @ARGV) . " } ";
unless (eval $code.1) {
    die "Error in code: $@\n\t$code\n";

open(PS, "ps wwaxl |")              || die "cannot fork: $!";
print scalar <PS>;                  # emit header line
while (<PS>) {
    @fields{@fieldnames} = trim(unpack($fmt, $_));
    print if is_desirable();        # line matches their criteria
close(PS)                           || die "ps failed!";

# convert cut positions to unpack format
sub cut2fmt {
    my(@positions) = @_;
    my $template  = '';
    my $lastpos   = 1;
    for my $place (@positions) {
        $template .= "A" . ($place - $lastpos) . " ";
        $lastpos   = $place;
    $template .= "A*";
    return $template;

sub trim {
    my @strings = @_;
    for (@strings) {
    return wantarray ? @strings : $strings[0];

# the following was used to determine column cut points.
# sample input data follows
#         1         2         3         4         5         6         7
# Positioning:
#       8     14    20    26  30  34     41    47          59  63  67   72
#       |     |     |     |   |   |      |     |           |   |   |    |
   100     0     1     0   0   0    760   432 do_select   S   ?   0:02 init
   140     0   187     1   0   0    784   452 do_select   S   ?   0:02 syslogd
100100   101   428     1   0   0   1436   944 do_exit     S    1  0:00 /bin/login
100140    99 30217   402   0   0   1552  1008 posix_lock_ S   ?   0:00 httpd
     0   101   593   428   0   0   1780  1260 copy_thread S    1  0:00 -tcsh
100000   101 30639  9562  17   0    924   496             R   p1  0:00 ps axl
     0   101 25145  9563   0   0   2964  2360 idetape_rea S   p2  0:06 trn
100100     0 10116  9564   0   0   1412   928 setup_frame T   p3  0:00 ssh -C www
100100     0 26560 26554   0   0   1076   572 setup_frame T   p2  0:00 less
100000   101 19058  9562   0   0   1396   900 setup_frame T   p1  0:02 nvi /tmp/a

# the following was used to determine column cut points.
# sample input data follows
# 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345
#          1         2         3         4         5         6         7
#  Positioning:
#        8     14    20    26  30  34     41    47          59  63  67   72
#        |     |     |     |   |   |      |     |           |   |   |    |
# __END__
#    100     0     1     0   0   0    760   432 do_select   S   ?   0:02 init
#    140     0   187     1   0   0    784   452 do_select   S   ?   0:02 syslogd
# 100100   101   428     1   0   0   1436   944 do_exit     S    1  0:00 /bin/login
# 100140    99 30217   402   0   0   1552  1008 posix_lock_ S   ?   0:00 httpd
#      0   101   593   428   0   0   1780  1260 copy_thread S    1  0:00 -tcsh
# 100000   101 30639  9562  17   0    924   496             R   p1  0:00 ps axl
#      0   101 25145  9563   0   0   2964  2360 idetape_rea S   p2  0:06 trn
# 100100     0 10116  9564   0   0   1412   928 setup_frame T   p3  0:00 ssh -C www
# 100100     0 26560 26554   0   0   1076   572 setup_frame T   p2  0:00 less
# 100000   101 19058  9562   0   0   1396   900 setup_frame T   p1  0:02 nvi /tmp/a
eval "sub is_desirable { uid < 10 } " . 1;
#% psgrep 'no strict "vars";
#          BEGIN { $id = getpwnam("nobody") }
#          uid == $id '
sub id()         { $_->{ID}   }
sub title()      { $_->{TITLE} }
sub executive()  { title =~ /(?:vice-)?president/i }

# user search criteria go in the grep clause
@slowburners = grep { id < 10 && !executive } @employees;

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