abs | absolute value |
chdir | change current directory |
chmod | change permissions of file/directory |
chomp | remove terminal newline from string variable |
chop | remove last character from string variable |
chown | change ownership of file/directory |
close | close a file handle |
closedir | close a directory handle |
cos | cosine |
defined | test whether variable is defined |
delete | delete a key from a hash |
die | exit with an error message |
each | iterate through keys & values of a hash |
eof | test a filehandle for end of file |
eval | evaluate a string as a perl expression |
exec | quit Perl and execute a system command |
exists | test that a hash key exists |
exit | exit from the Perl script |
glob | expand a directory listing using shell wildcards |
gmtime | current time in GMT |
grep | filter an array for entries that meet a criterion |
index | find location of a substring inside a larger string |
int | throw away the fractional part of a floating point number |
join | join an array together into a string |
keys | return the keys of a hash |
kill | send a signal to one or more processes |
last | exit enclosing loop |
lc | convert string to lowercase |
lcfirst | lowercase first character of string |
length | find length of string |
local | temporarily replace the value of a global variable |
localtime | return time in local timezone |
log | natural logarithm |
m// | pattern match operation |
map | perform on operation on each member of array or list |
mkdir | make a new directory |
my | create a local variable |
next | jump to the top of enclosing loop |
open | open a file for reading or writing |
opendir | open a directory for listing |
pack | pack a list into a compact binary representation |
package | create a new namespace for a module |
pop | pop the last item off the end of an array |
print to terminal or a file | |
printf | formatted print to a terminal or file |
push | push a value onto the end of an array |
q/STRING/ | generalized single-quote operation |
qq/STRING/ | generalized double-quote operation |
qx/STRING/ | generalized backtick operation |
qw/STRING/ | turn a space-delimited string of words into a list |
rand | random number generator |
read | read binary data from a file |
readdir | read the contents of a directory |
readline | read a line from a text file |
readlink | determine the target of a symbolic link |
redo | restart a loop from the top |
ref | return the type of a variable reference |
rename | rename or move a file |
require | load functions defined in a library file |
return | return a value from a user-defined subroutine |
reverse | reverse a string or list |
rewinddir | rewind a directory handle to the beginning |
rindex | find a substring in a larger string, from right to left |
rmdir | remove a directory |
s/// | pattern substitution operation |
scalar | force an expression to be treated as a scalar |
seek | reposition a filehandle to an arbitrary point in a file |
select | make a filehandle the default for output |
shift | shift a value off the beginning of an array |
sin | sine |
sleep | put the script to sleep for a while |
sort | sort an array or list by user-specified criteria |
splice | insert/delete array items |
split | split a string into pieces according to a pattern |
sprintf | formatted string creation |
sqrt | square root |
stat | get information about a file |
sub | define a subroutine |
substr | extract a substring from a string |
symlink | create a symbolic link |
system | execute an operating system command, then return to Perl |
tell | return the position of a filehandle within a file |
tie | associate a variable with a database |
time | return number of seconds since January 1, 1970 |
tr/// | replace characters in a string |
truncate | truncate a file (make it smaller) |
uc | uppercase a string |
ucfirst | uppercase first character of a string |
umask | change file creation mask |
undef | undefine (remove) a variable |
unlink | delete a file |
unpack | the reverse of pack |
untie | the reverse of tie |
unshift | move a value onto the beginning of an array |
use | import variables and functions from a library module |
values | return the values of a hash variable |
wantarray | return true in an array context |
warn | print a warning to standard error |
write | formatted report generation |
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
perl function
For specific information on a function, use perldoc -f function_name to get a concise summary.
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