Sunday, January 2, 2011

How do I run a Perl script from within a Perl script

use strict;
use warnings;
use IPC::System::Simple qw(system capture);

# Run a command, wait until it finishes, and make sure it works.
# Output from this program goes directly to STDOUT, and it can take input
# from your STDIN if required.

system($^X, "", @ARGS);


# Run a command, wait until it finishes, and make sure it works.
# The output of this command is captured into $results.

my $results = capture($^X, "", @ARGS);

# Both of these commands allow an exit value of 0, 1 or 2 to be considered

# a successful execution of the command.

system( [0,1,2], $^X, "", @ARGS );

# OR

capture( [0,1,2, $^X, "", @ARGS );


I can think of a few ways to do this. You already mentioned the first two, so I won't go into detail on them.

   1. backticks: $retVal = `perl `;
   2. system() call
   3. eval

The eval can be accomplished by slurping the other file into a string (or a list of strings), then 'eval'ing the strings. Heres a sample:

open PERLFILE, "<";
undef $/;   # this allows me to slurp the file, ignoring newlines
my $program = <PERLFILE>;
eval $program;

4 . do:

do ''



    local @ARGV = qw<param1 param2 param3>;

    do '/home/buddy/';




use strict;

open(OUTPUT, "date|") or die "Failed to create process: $!\n";

while (<OUTPUT>)





print "Process exited with value " . ($? >> 8) . "\n";


 If you need to asynchronously call your external script -you just want to launch it and not wait for it to finish-, then :

# On Unix systems, either of these will execute and just carry-on
# You can't collect output that way
` &`;
system (' &');   

# On Windows systems the equivalent would be
system ('start');

# If you just want to execute another script and terminate the current one
exec ('');

If you would like to make a call to, or reference, a Perl script from within a different Perl script, you can accomplish this a system(), exec() or the backtick operator to the path for Perl. For example:

system("/usr/bin/perl /path/to/ ");

Or store output to array:

@myarray = `/usr/bin/perl`;

`perl /home/com/begp/ $f` || die "Error!";


#backtrick method
$retVal = `perl`;
print $retVal;


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